Spiritual Life Fellowship
A Spiritualist Church in the Interfaith Tradition
The Rev. Barbara Toole, CSNU, Pastor and Medium
“The time will come. . .when the effect on the heart
will be to bring all men to believe
on God, on Love, and on Progress,
without any subdivisions,
without any shades or distinctions. . .”
By Lord Francis Bacon
Delivered through the Mediumship of
Dr. George Dexter
May 20, 1853
Spiritual Life Fellowship is a Spiritualist Church in the Interfaith Tradition. We recognize this effect on the hearts of men and women today. It is our belief that, indeed, we are on the cusp of a “New Age,” a time of spiritual awakening in which each individual is free to believe on God, on Love, and on Progress, in his or her own way.
We believe that the Divine is found in the silence of the heart, not in a building or a book. We are a community of spiritual seekers, each on his or her own path, supporting each other as we move forward on our personal spiritual journeys.
Spiritual Life Fellowship is the place for you if:
You Feel you are a spiritual person but do not feel drawn to an organized religion.
You feel there is a deeper meaning to life, and you have a desire to learn and grow spiritually
You enjoy meeting like-minded people.